The 5 hidden technology secrets of mastering live chat

Debunc Team

Posted by Debunc Team on 10 Oct 2016 reading time

  • Winning more and better business should be the main driver for most organisations are looking to succeed.

    We’ve found few ways as effective as live chat when attempting to educate and nurture prospects in service based businesses and closing sales in e-commerce sites. Our friends over at Blue Relativity partnered with us to work on insights on the right tone of voice to share with customers when using live chat. In tandem with this we’ve taken an under-the-hood look at the type of technology and functionality, your live chat systems should aim to provide. In no particular order here they are!

  • 1. Canned Responses
    1. Canned Responses

    We’ve been among the earliest adopters of using technology to gain marketing efficiency. From scheduled posting to our very WordPress framework, gUI, our focus has always been on lean approaches to delivering maximum impact.

    If you aren’t familiar with live chat canned responses, these serve as a perfect tool to start conversations, end them, or provide answers to very common questions in a natural yet 1-click fashion.

    You can store as many or as little canned responses as you like, and the types of messages you store will depend on your business and your reactivity to customer needs. Below we’ve included some of our favourite canned responses that we’ve seen across the web.

    • Starting a chat
      Starting a chat

      Looking for the best way to break the ice with a potential customer via live chat? Try something like ‘Hello Jack, thanks for reaching out! How can I help today?‘ You may even want to soften things a little with ‘Hi Jack, how are you?‘.

    • Troubleshooting

      So, pinpointing a user’s issue can feel like a bit of hard work. Yet, getting the right info up front can help to answer problems swiftly and escalate where necessary.

      Try a simple ‘If I understood correctly, you’re saying …‘ as a great way of reiterating the issue, and giving the customer a chance to clarify any parts along the way!

    • Transferring a chat
      Transferring a chat

      So, you need to pass the live chat conversation to another agent, no worries.

      Remember to let your customer know who you’re transferring to and why with a simple message like ‘Jack, I’m going to connect you with our Design Lead, Emanuele. He’ll be in the best position to help with your problem straight away.

    • Being all grown up!
      Being all grown up!

      As brands (and ambassadors of brands), we f*** up at times. Being grown up should look like putting your hands up and admitting fault where it’s due.

      Jack, I’m sorry. It looks like we’ve made a mistake with ABC. To fix things, we’re going to XYZ. Le me apologise once again for the error.‘ is a great way of turning a complaint into a customer win!

  • 2. Triggers
    2. Triggers

    In the same vein as the above, triggers are an awesome way to automate the start of a live chat conversation based on certain conditions being met.

    Has a user visited the product page but not completed your desired action within a given timeframe? Now might be the perfect time to start a live chat and see if you can help to nurture this visitor along the sales funnel. There are many types of conditions that can be used to set up triggers including:

    • length of time on page
    • length of time on site
    • specific tag added
    • specific page visited
    • total number of pages visited

    Different live chat systems may have a different mix of triggers so it’s always worth investigating the options based on your own business workflow and goals.

  • 3. Pages to determine intent

    Are there any pages or content sections on your website can be used to determine user intent? For example, do some of your resources highlighted information gathering need whilst the others indicate purchase desire?

    Taking the time to map your content or content sections into likely stages of decision-making can be the perfect way of understanding the right tone of voice and severity for your live chat conversation.

  • The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary
    Sam Walton, Founder @ Wal-Mart
    The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary
  • 4. A/B testing

    When we talk about multivariate testing, most of us assume supply this to AdWords campaigns or landing pages. The truth of the matter is that split testing should be actioned against every touch point in your funnel where possible and appropriate.

    You may want to test varied canned responses, trigger types and trigger conditions to work out what is right for your audience and your team.

    As with any other form of multivariate testing, try small changes at a time to know what works and what doesn’t. Use successful insights as part of your new approach and then split test with another aspect of your live chat workflow.

  • 5. Set up a knowledge-base or FAQ section on your site
    5. Set up a knowledge-base or FAQ section on your site

    How often has a prospect or customer asked you a question around your billing process, delivery time or some other commonly raised concern? We’d hazard a guess here and say more than you’re willing to count!

    Using a FAQ engine or knowledge base may not only improve the resolution time of live chat questions but also help to produce a more consistent and high quality of resolution as a whole.

    Our base install of gUI comes with a FAQ Manager as standard to allow you and your team to provide a quick access and answers to commonly asked questions from your community.

  • Are there any live to chat technology innovations that you’re using today to make your tea more efficient and increase impact? We’d love to hear about it why not retrain the comments below?

    We would also love your feedback on the suggestions we made above and to hear about how you have implemented them within your own organisation.

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Posted by Debunc Team
Debunc Team

Since we formed, our goal has been the same - connecting companies with their customers through an effective blend of digital. If you'd like help in delivering an out-of-this-world project, or if you're looking for a home to showcase your talent, we'd love to talk! Call today on 0203 773 6772

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